From which insects do mosquito nets protect us?

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From which insects do mosquito nets protect us?

 It is known that installing mosquito nets in the summer becomes a great need to protect yourself from the annoying mosquitoes that invade our environments especially in the warmer seasons.

Mosquitoes are small insects that have the unfortunate habit of attaching themselves to our skin to suck our blood, which they feed on, while leaving a liquid that causes the characteristic itching and swelling of their bites. In addition to being unpleasant insects, it is understandable how they can also be dangerous for some particularly delicate subjects, such as children, the elderly or the sick, becoming the cause of possible infections. Among other things, for some years now, thanks to the changes that are affecting the climate, mosquitoes have begun to be present even outside the classic summer parenthesis, revealing themselves in advance or delaying their stay until late autumn.

Protecting yourself from mosquitoes has therefore become an imperative, especially in some areas of Italy (the Po Valley is a typical example), which suffer from high humidity, which is the environmental condition par excellence in which these insects thrive, spreading out of proportion. Among the various measures that can be adopted to achieve the goal, window screens remain one of the simplest as well as the most effective strategies. Mosquito nets don't just protect homes from mosquitoes. There is a large population of flying insects that during the spring and summer period seek food and shelter in homes, using doors and windows as an entry point. Summer insects include bees, bumblebees, wasps and hornets, common hymenoptera with a sting and a poison that can cause severe anaphylactic reactions in allergic subjects. The sugary substances contained in very ripe fruit are a real magnet for flies and midges, as well as for ants which, thanks to their exceptional sense of smell, can enter through doors and windows attracted even by the simple smell of food in the pantry or crockery in the sink. The very narrow mesh of the mosquito nets keeps flies, butterflies, cockroaches, spiders and grasshoppers away, at the same time allowing a constant exchange of air in domestic environments and the presence of sunlight, without the need to close the windows or lower the shutters . The installation of resistant and high quality mosquito nets also translates into savings: the correct ventilation of the spaces and the use of a constant physical barrier reduces the use of air conditioners and alternating chemical repellent methods. Cotters are also an excellent mosquito repellent to use in the garden or on the terrace: they are the typical green spirals containing pyrethrins which, by burning slowly, release a substance that is toxic to insects but harmless to humans.

However, mosquito nets remain the best solution: they are the only ones to ensure complete and continuous protection of the home. There are several models:

  • roller insect screens designed for both windows and French doors;
  • with horizontal or vertical rolling system, mosquito nets with fixed or sliding panels, which ensure the tightness of the net even in the presence of strong winds;
  • Swing insect screens, with one or two doors, without a lower guide and therefore ideal for highly frequented areas where strollers and wheelchairs also pass.
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